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SKU: Ahaar Sooji_500g Category:

Ahaar Sooji 500 g

In Stock

Original price was: ₹45.00.Current price is: ₹40.00.

Ahaar Nutritious Sooji is the secret of soft, fluffy idlis, lip-smacking halwa, upma, and crisp rava dosas. The big granules of Ahaar Sooji add that extra punch to delicacies you so lovingly prepare for your family. Absolutely husk free, made from the best quality wheat. Soft Suji made from premium grade of selected wheat grains by processing in a way so that only the core of wheat is pounded to make sooji. Ahaar Sooji is the secret of major Horeca Chains across the globe. Our Sooji is packed with vital nutrients.

SKU: Ahaar Sooji_500g Category:
